Why is CAB-NRC bad?

- Millions of Indian Muslims could be thrown in Concentration Camps(especially the poor).

- Most Bangladeshi Hindu migrants are economic migrants not escaping religious persecution. (UN Refugee Report 2018). Immigration from Bangladesh is rapidly decreasing to zero.

- Pakistan Hindu Council rejects India's citizenship offer. Pakistan's Hindu population has been steadily increasing over the years. Amit Shah lied in Parliament. Pakistan even had a Hindu Chief Justice in its Supreme Court.

- Rohingya Muslims, Ahmadiyya Muslims, Baloch Muslims, and Srilankan Tamil Hindus face greater persecution due to religion than minorities in Bangladesh and Pakistan.

Refugees due to religious persecution?

According to United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees mid-year report (2018), the number of Pakistanis in refugee or refugee-like conditions in India was between 1 and 4. The number of refugees from Bangladesh was not mentioned.
This is because maximum Bangladeshis came to India due to economic reasons because of which they were not qualified to seek refugee status in the country. In a broader sense, a refugee is a person who leaves the country because of persecution on the basis of religion, ethnicity, politics or other grounds.
Thus, according to an article published by Carnegie India, most Bangladeshi immigrants enter India through illegal channels for economic reasons and do menial jobs.

Would Indian Muslims be affected too?

What happens if your name is not in the list?
In Assam, those left out from the final NRC list had to approach the Foreigners’ Tribunals. At present, there are six detention centres in Assam's Goalpara, Dibrugarh, Jorhat, Silchar, Kokrajhar and Tezpur, where district jails have been converted to camps.
So what would a pan-India NRC mean?
Taking the Assam model to the entire nation will be akin to asking 125 crore Indians to reapply for citizenship. Muslims are rightfully more fearful because they will be targeted by a likely communalised NRC machinery, particularly in BJP ruled states. Who does not have ‘citizenship’ papers in this country? The poor, the rural, landless, migrants, the homeless, the women.

The poor can't produce the 'papers' :

Going by the Assam template of the NRC, we will all be presumed non-citizens, until proven otherwise.
Please remember all 3.3 crore Assam residents had to apply for the NRC.
What the NRC project will do is make us all stand in queue to audition for citizenship to a despotic government. Muslims are rightfully more fearful because they will be targeted by a likely communalised NRC machinery, particularly in BJP ruled states, but everyone will be in queue. Who does not have ‘citizenship’ papers in this country? The poor, the rural, landless, migrants, the homeless, the women.

Is India 'secular' only for Indian Citizens and not for 'foreigners'?

According to the Constitution, India is secular for all human beings within the territory of India, not just Indian 'citizens'.
I don't consent to putting innocent people in cages. What the "majority" thinks is irrelevant; the burden of proof falls on those who initiate the violence.

Moreover, We should stop accepting that this whole thing was done out of concern for refugees and not because of the BJP s hate-based Hindutva electoral strategy to kick out the Muslim "termites" and "infiltrators". https://twitter.com/ANI/status/1201457197105979392?s=03

On persecution of srilankan tamils:

The Sri Lankan Civil war was very costly, killing and/ or disappearing over 100,000+ civilians and 50,000+ fighters from both sides of the conflict. The "Tamil Centre for Human Rights" recorded that from 1983 to 2004, 47,556 Tamil civilians were murdered by both the Sri Lankan government and IPKF forces. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casualties_of_the_Sri_Lankan_Civil_War

Srilankan Tamils want Indian Citizenship very much desperately :

Minorities in Bangladesh n Pakistan:

And the majority of blasphemy cases up to 2018 had been filed against other Muslims and Ahmadis, not against Christians or Hindus.
In Bangladesh, there are various reasons for the decline in the proportion of Hindus over the years. The better-off Hindu population have had their homes and businesses targeted, sometimes in attempts to get them to leave so their land or assets can be taken over. Hindus have also been the targets of attacks by religious militants.
The Bangladesh government has rejected India's claims about minorities being targeted. Foreign Minister Abdul Monem told the BBC: "We don't have examples of minorities being persecuted in this country."
According to UN data, the number of refugees in India went up by 17% between 2016-19. As of August this year, the biggest numbers registered with the UN were actually from Tibet and Sri Lanka.

Pakistan Hindu Council and Sikhs reject CAB :

https://tribune.com.pk/story/2119692/1-pakistani-hindus-reject-indias-offer-citizenship/?amp=1 - Pakistani Hindus and Sikhs reject CAB
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pakistan_Hindu_Council - looks legit. The criticism section doesn't contain any allegations of illegitimacy.
It looks logical to me because:
1. People generally dislike moving to another country unless things are very bad...
2. It proves their 'loyalty to Pakistan' in front of other Pakistanis for example..
The same thing happens in India too...
But, even still Pakistan is not a paradise for minorities - Same way Indian Muslims feel now because of all the
riots, mob lynchings, destruction of mosques, being called anti-national and being told to go to Pakistan on national television.
The link I posted was to challenge the Sanghi narrative that "Muslims are inherently violent(genocidal) wherever they are"; not to deny any suffering of Pakistani minorities.

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rana_Bhagwandas this is also interesting... A Hindu chief Justice in Pakistani supreme Court?, something I would not have expected tbh...


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