Minorities in Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan
Has the population of Hindus declined from 22% to 8% in Bangladesh? Yes. Why Hindus declined in Bangladesh? The Hindu population in Bangladesh declined from 22% to 9% from 1951–2011. The Hindu population has been growing at a slower rate than adherents of other religions, resulting in a decline in their relative share in the national population. Hindus have lower fertility, higher mortality and higher international out-migration rates than Muslims. According to this analysis, between 1989 and 2016, 54% of lower Hindu growth may be attributable to international out- migration ; 41% is attributable to lower fertility , and 5 % is attributable to higher mortality . T he contribution of migration has declined over time and in last 20 years, lower fertility of Hindus was the primary contributing factor (over 70%) to their declining share of the country’s population. 1