Why Reservation is a good thing
Q. Do upper caste dominate as the ruling class of India? Q. Are Dalits getting killed every two weeks in India due to explicit caste violence? Q: What is reservation? Q: Why reservation? Q: Were Reservations incorporated by the founding fathers of the constitution only for first 10 years? Q: Why give reservations on basis of caste? Q: Why not on basis of economic criterion? Q: Should there be a creamy layer criterion or not? Q: How long should the reservations continue? Q: Will not the reservations based on castes lead to divisions in the society? Q: Will not reservations affect the Merit? Q: Have existing reservations for SC/STs been effective or not? Reading materials and Resources: Q. Do upper caste dominate as the ruling class of India? Yes, upper castes dominate by a large margin in representation in the commanding heights of the Government, Economy, Judiciary and Media. Goverment Upper Castes disproportionately dominate the top positions in the government bureaucracy ...