
Showing posts from June, 2020

Why Reservation is a good thing

Q. Do upper caste dominate as the ruling class of India? Q. Are Dalits getting killed every two weeks in India due to explicit caste violence? Q: What is reservation? Q: Why reservation? Q: Were Reservations incorporated by the founding fathers of the constitution only for first 10 years? Q: Why give reservations on basis of caste? Q: Why not on basis of economic criterion? Q: Should there be a creamy layer criterion or not? Q: How long should the reservations continue? Q: Will not the reservations based on castes lead to divisions in the society? Q: Will not reservations affect the Merit? Q: Have existing reservations for SC/STs been effective or not? Reading materials and Resources: Q. Do upper caste dominate as the ruling class of India? Yes, upper castes dominate by a large margin in representation in the commanding heights of the Government, Economy, Judiciary and Media. Goverment Upper Castes disproportionately dominate the  top  positions in the government bureaucracy ...

Economics as Fraud part 2

Philosophy and Revolution part 2 Inexact sciences are poetry. Philosophy, Macroeconomics, Psychology,etc.. are poetry, not real science. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Philosophy for me, is nothing but poetry. It is not really science. The world is a complicated place to the naked human. And good revolutionary philosophy is the one which *inspires* people to properly analyse the world around them, identify what is good/bad for them, formulate a tangible form of action against the bad and towards the good. And if some poem(philosophy) doesn't do that, it might be valuable, but it should be moved to the "entertainment" section, away from the "battle cry of the oppressed" section. Before Marx, philosophy was used mostly by the well-off class(aristrocrats, slave owners, upper middle class,etc...) for their personal entertainment and also to justify their rule/privileges. That is why you will find in Catholicism(religion in...

Economics as Fraud

Philosophy and Revolution Truths about the Science of Society and Life. How to get to a correct philosophical/economical/political ideology, explained. - Physics, Chemistry and Biology are exact sciences. Social Science, Economics(Macro), Political Science, Psychology, certain parts of genetics, Cosmology are not exact sciences. Here there is a lot of possibility of ruling class pseudoscience masquerading itself as some form of "science". - Evolution/Newton's Laws of Motion are true, we can trust the scientists, they can provide very very strong reasons for their assumptions and theories. The same is not true for "Subjective theory of value"(a theory in modern economics), we can't trust economists on their assumptions. - Inexact scientific investigation is often not "objective". It is based on a mountain of assumptions due to the fact that it is very very difficult to obtain the kind of scientific data required to prove any single assumption object...